TaiChi is not only a Martial Art, but also, with its variety of techniques and training appilcations, a unique healing practice. The holistic approach of TaiChi training helps the practitioner to maintain health and strength; provide faster recover from injury and illness; and improve the ability to handle physical, mental and emotional stress.
Ya-TaiChi 12 Steps is not just a new sip on the old practice, it is a life changing program which uses modern accelerated learning techniques to start the change from day one.
- Elevating book for learning for deeper understanding of the processes involved
- Daily tips to root healthy habits
- Life-affirming parctices
- Full description of the excercises to be able to do it on your own and take your practice everywhere you go
- Practice charts and even a game to make it fun.
Story of Belmont Assistant Living Community
They started to practice Ya-TaiChi 12 Steps in 2019. All the participants were sitting in the chairs and excercised once a week for about two months until the COVID lockdown struck in 2020.
They made a decision to continue the classes and increased it to twice a week through ZOOM. Later, the trainer was outside of the facility and participants could stand at the window. And finally, in June they were able to move outside in the open air still practicing twice a week.
While everybody, regardless of age were loosing physical form, these vivacious people had improved their form and kept positive, optimistic and cheerful outlook throughout all the dark times.
Instead of fear, they gained confidence
Instead of weakness, they got strength
Instead of uncertainty, they practiced balance
By August 2020 they were able to walk outside the facitity to the public park and to the famous Chicago lake shore.
Something they had not done ever before!
They kept increasing their distances. Now they are going strong everywhere without the assistance: coffee shops, grocery shopping, new parks, nearest attractions.
In 2022 they started very special training with staffs. Not even criminal situation in Chicago can scare them!
Nothing can stop them from living their life to the fullest!